Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Challenge 90 With Love

Hi It's Debbie here posting our New Challenge for this month

we would like to thank everyone who joined
 in our last challenge The winner can be found in the post below this one.

Our Whimsy topic this week is a nice easy one 

With Love

Remember, you don't have to use a Whimsy image on your challenge creation,
although it would be great if you did!
Also, your entry doesn't have to be a card - we welcome all paper projects!

Our Prize this month is:

Anyone can enter our challenge and we don't mind you combining with other challenges either! Please remember no more than 3 entries per challenge and all we ask is that you add a link in your blog post to tell your friends you entered the Whimsy Inspirations Challenge

And now it is time to link up your entry to win more Whimsy Stamps!
1. Paper Whims  55. Anet  109. flamingstar  
2. Amy Cohen  56. Lucy Patrick  110. Karen C  
3. Amy Cohen  57. jules  111. Mary-Anne V.  
4. Gail Scott  58. Julie Curtis  112. Zehra  
5. Gail Scott  59. Lis-M  113. Marianne's Craftroom  
6. kelly  60. Gloria Shirr - 2nd  114. Lorraine B  
7. Faith A  61. Amy Cohen  115. mixamatoasties  
8. Gail Scott  62. KT Fit Kitty  116. Jacky - Paddington Fan  
9. Beebeebabs  63. Nikki C  117. Helen  
10. Katie Tate  64. Suzi Mac  118. Bad Kitty  
11. Susan Kennedy  65. Jennifer Scull  119. Lynne in NI  
12. Paper Whims  66. Teresa  120. Melanie  
13. Kathyk  67. treebug #2  121. CraftyGirl  
14. Emma R  68. Marianne's Craftroom  122. Helen #2  
15. Lucy Patrick  69. Claire A  123. Olivia  
16. Nick  70. Jane's Journal  124. Tracey V  
17. Tammy A  71. Marieke  125. Karen C  
18. Michelle B  72. Dewi  126. Dee Earnshaw  
19. Michelle B  73. Sunshinepen  127. Wendy.F  
20. Kristina CraftyPaws  74. Rachel Taylor  128. Rae Ann  
21. Kelly Lloyd  75. Karen C  129. Rae Ann  
22. Susan Kennedy  76. Cathy Clowes  130. Aartje  
23. Janie - Craft Princess  77. Stefi  131. Monique van Steenbergen  
24. Kevin  78. Dorte  132. Marieke (2)  
25. niki1  79. Elizabeth H.  133. Nathalie Benoit  
26. Dee Earnshaw  80. Paper Whims  134. Nathalie Benoit  
27. Princess  81. Nick  135. Susan Kennedy  
28. Lyla  82. Crafty Kiwi Mama  136. Joke  
29. Yenni Natalia  83. Lucy Patrick  137. RoRa  
30. Aileen  84. Lisa s  138. Bettina  
31. Andree Clark  85. Dee Earnshaw  139. Bettina  
32. Kristina CraftyPaws  86. Jane's Journal  140. Bunny  
33. Yenni natalia  87. Elizabeth H.  141. treebug #3  
34. Kristina CraftyPaws  88. Lynne in NI  142. Donna T  
35. Birgit  89. KT Fit Kitty  143. Mema's Crafts  
36. Tracy Marie Lewis  90. Christy Sugiarto  144. RoRa  
37. coops  91. Carol Rosini  145. Stela Karapetkova  
38. Lynda  92. Bunny  146. Maxine D  
39. Lorraine B  93. CraftyGirl  147. Nick  
40. treebug  94. Kleido  148. CraftyGirl  
41. Dianchik  95. Jennifer Greco  149. Dee Earnshaw  
42. Anet  96. Jennifer Greco  150. Crafty Kiwi Mama  
43. Mans de Fada  97. Julie O  151. Dorothy S  
44. Margaret G.  98. KT Fit Kitty  152. engelchen  
45. Gloria Shirr  99. Bunny  153. Claire C  
46. Tracy Marie Lewis  100. MaxiBelle Studio  154. Del  
47. shellshearer  101. Marianne's Craftroom  155. Janie - Craft Princess  
48. crejabeja  102. Lovely Linda  156. vic  
49. Scatty Jan  103. Kim Costello  157. doudou2106  
50. Darlene Pavlick  104. Jane's Journal  158. Janie - Craft Princess  
51. Beebeebabs  105. Jennifer Greco  159. Christy Sugiarto  
52. sharla~  106. Goldie  160. RoRa  
53. Daisychain  107. MARLENE  161. julye  
54. Anet  108. Natascha  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Wendy said...

Awesome DT samples. Thanks for the "love" challenge.

Crea Astrid said...

What a lovely cads made the DT.

Hugs, Astrid.

Beebeebabs said...

Very nice work DT

Unknown said...

I just love all the DT Creations!! Great images. Love that little flying pup!!! Bridget's is cute in blue and then Cindy's in pink is perfect too! Great images from everyone!! Just gorgeous! Those little snowmen are great!! Thanks for another fun challenge!

- Susan, {Scrap A Thousand Words}
{Sentimental Susan - Etsy}
{Sentimental Susan - Zibbet}
{Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges}

The Craft Princess said...

So many beautiful creations and a great challenge too :) Hugs...Janie

Obiuser said...

interesting to note the information because its contents are very interesting
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Bunny said...

Love the love.

CraftyGirl said...

Amazing challenge, I had fun playing along and seeing all the lovely makes! Thank you so much. Hugs :-) See you next challenge!!!



Doris Klein said...

Wonderful and lovely inspirations from all DT!!!

Hugs Doris