Hi It's Debbie here posting our New Challenge for this month
we would like to thank everyone who joined
in our last challenge The winner can be found in the post below this one.
Our Whimsy topic this week is a nice easy one
With Love
Remember, you don't have to use a Whimsy image on your challenge creation,
although it would be great if you did!
Also, your entry doesn't have to be a card - we welcome all paper projects!
Our Prize this month is:
Anyone can enter our challenge and we don't mind you combining with other challenges either! Please remember no more than 3 entries per challenge and all we ask is that you add a link in your blog post to tell your friends you entered the Whimsy Inspirations Challenge
And Now some inspiration for our Design Team!
And now it is time to link up your entry to win more Whimsy Stamps!
(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
Awesome DT samples. Thanks for the "love" challenge.
What a lovely cads made the DT.
Hugs, Astrid.
Very nice work DT
I just love all the DT Creations!! Great images. Love that little flying pup!!! Bridget's is cute in blue and then Cindy's in pink is perfect too! Great images from everyone!! Just gorgeous! Those little snowmen are great!! Thanks for another fun challenge!
- Susan, {Scrap A Thousand Words}
{Sentimental Susan - Etsy}
{Sentimental Susan - Zibbet}
{Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges}
So many beautiful creations and a great challenge too :) Hugs...Janie
interesting to note the information because its contents are very interesting
obat penghilang polip gigi tradisional,obat penghilang selulit tradisional,pengobatan kanker paru-paru stadium 1-4,obat pembersih asap rorok di paru-paru tradisional,pengobatan untuk sembuhkan leukimia akut,obat pereda nyeri dan kaku di leher tradisional,obat pelancar menstruasi tidak teratur tradisional,obat tradisional penurun tekanan darah tinggi (hipertensi),cara alami menyembuhkan floaters mata,pengobatan untuk sembuhkan kanker tenggorokan,pengobatan untuk sembuhkan kencing manis,pengobatan tradisional sembuhkan tbc,obat penghilang alergi tradisional,obat penghilang kista ovarium tradisional,obat penghilang kelenjar tiroid di leher tradisional,obat pereda nyeri maag kambuh tradisional,obat pereda nyeri lutut tradisional,cara alami menyembuhkan diabetes insipidus,pengobatan penggumpalan darah di otak,cara meredakan peradangan di telinga,pengobatan tradisional hiperplasia endometrium,pengobatan tradisional penyakit alzheimer,cara alami menyembuhkan kardiomiopati,bahaya anemia bagi ibu hamil dan cara mengatasinya,penyebab paha besar dan cara mengatasinya,pengobatan tradisional gondongan pada anak,pengobatan tradisional radang testis,pengobatan untuk menghentikan pendarahan rahim,cara alami menyembuhkan faringitis,cara menghilangkan kebas dan kesemutan,cara mengatasi rabun dekat secara alami,cara mengobati penyakit mata trakoma,bahaya penyakit radang usus buntu,cara menyembuhkan migrain kronis,bahaya terkena angin duduk,cara cepat menurunkan kreatinin tinggi,cara mengobati mata pterigium,cara mengobati penyakit anemia pectoris,cara alami mengobati anemia aplastik,cara alami menyembuhkan ablasio retina,cara alami membersihkan darah kotor dalam tubuh,cara mengatasi perut kembung dan begah,cara alami menyembuhkan fistula ani,pengobatan alternatif pembengkakakn hait
Love the love.
Amazing challenge, I had fun playing along and seeing all the lovely makes! Thank you so much. Hugs :-) See you next challenge!!!
Wonderful and lovely inspirations from all DT!!!
Hugs Doris
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