Wednesday 15 April 2015

Challenge 82 - Colour an Image

Hi It's Debbie here posting our New Challenge for this month

we would like to thank everyone who joined
 in our last challenge The winner can be found in the post below this one.

Our Whimsy topic this week is a nice easy one:

Colour an Image

Remember, you don't have to use a Whimsy image on your challenge creation,
although it would be great if you did!
Also, your entry doesn't have to be a card - we welcome all paper projects!

Our Prize this month is:

Anyone can enter our challenge and we don't mind you combining with other challenges either! Please remember no more than 3 entries per challenge and all we ask is that you add a link in your blog post to tell your friends you entered the Whimsy Inspirations Challenge
And Now some inspiration for our Design Team!


Coming Soon

  Maya Go 


Beebeebabs said...

Very nice work DT!!!

Wendy said...

Delightful design team samples. Thanks for the "color an image" challenge.

Nancy said...

I've been having so much fun on the blog hops that I thought I'd come play with you! Thanks for the fun! :o)

Milka Gubo said...

Gorgeous creations DT! Thank you for another great challenge. :-D

Karen said...

Totally fabulous creations!!

Annie Rose said...

Thanks for the fun challenge! I'm happy I could finally play along with my new Whimsy Stamps :)

Annie Rose

abieuser said...

hard to believe I am very happy to be joined commented here, it makes an experience for me si iom
pengobatan untuk sembuhkan infeksi rahim,obat pelancar susah buang air besar,cara ampuh mengatasi obesitas atau kegemukan,pengobatan untuk sembuhkan fistula ani,pengobatan untuk sembuhkan payudara bengkak,pengobatan untuk sembuhkan jantung aritmia,cara menaikan trombosit pada penderita dbd,pengobatan untuk sembuhkan demam kelenjar,pengobatan untuk hilangkan telinga berdengung,pengobatan alami untuk sembuhkan varikokel,pengobatan alami sembuhkan step pada anak,pengobatan alami hilangkan benjolan di ketiak,pengobatan untuk sembuhkan tipes pada anak,pengobatan untuk sembuhkan stroke ringan,pengobatan untuk sembuhkan gondok beracun,obat pereda sinusitis tradisional,obat penghilang kista tradisional,obat penghilang polip hidung tradisional,obat penghilang gondongan tradisional,obat penghilang lipoma tradisional,obat pereda batuk berdahak tradisional,cara mengatasi penyakit ispa pada anak,obat pereda nyeri rematik tradisional,obat pereda nyeri ulu hati tradisional,cara mencegah dan mengatasi bunion,obat pereda demam tinggi tradisional,obat pelebur batu empedu tradisional,cara mengobati bab berdarah dan berlendir,pengobatan tradisional kista medullary,obat pereda nyeri otot dan sendi,pengobatan tradisional hemofilia,cara mengobati luka bakar melepuh,obat infeksi kelenjar mulut tradisional (kandidiasis oral),cara mengobati ulkus peptikum,pengobatan tradisional peranakan turunan,cara mengobati sindrom iritasi usus,pengobatan tradisional untuk penyakit ayan,cara cepat meredakan nyeri ulu hati,cara mengobati emboli paru,pengobatan gusi bengkak dan bernanah,cara mengobati tonsilitis kronis,cara mengobati laringitis kronis,ocara meredakan maag kambuh,obat stroke hemoragik tradisional,cara menyembuhkan radang panggul